Hello and thanks for your time. We are Just Enough Trope, a
Twin Cities-based blog and podcast that focuses on news and issues in the world
of genre (read: NERDY) entertainment. We produce a biweekly show that provides
news and reviews and we additionally present news magazine-style stories and
discussions about the issues extant in the world of geeky entertainment. For
example, in the past we have done shows about online harassment, #gamergate,
Women in Refrigerators, the myth of the Fake Geek Girl and more. But we also like
to talk about things that *don’t* make you want to claw your eyes out, such as smart
drugs, speculative fiction that’s past its sell-by date and the
post-apocalyptic muscle car movie genre. There are actually less of those films
than you’d think…
Recently, while researching in preparation for interviews with several
female authors and a senior editor at Tor.com, I was struck by the amount of
commentary online concerning the lack of representation of female authors in SF
and Fantasy publishing. It wasn’t something that’d I’d ever personally
considered, but there’s undeniably strong feelings on both sides of the divide
and we knew that we needed to do a show focusing on the issue specifically.
To that end, we have been contacting authors and editors in genre
fiction and asking them to complete a brief survey concerning the proposed lack
of diversity in SF and Fantasy publishing. We don’t want to be presumptuous; we
know you’re busy but if you do get a chance to participate, you have our thanks
in advance. The survey is completely anonymous but if you do want to give your
personal opinion or position as a member of the SF/Fantasy community, we’d love
to include your comments in our show or on our blog. Like I said, it can be as
anonymous (or as open) as you desire.
Again, thanks for your help and for the work you do in SF and Fantasy.
Based on the response, we hope to have the show finished in the next week or so
and once complete, it’ll be available on iTunes @ Just Enough Trope and on our
website at justenoughtrope.blogspot.com. Also, if there’s any colleagues you
can think of who’d like to take the survey or have their opinions on the issue
heard, feel free to forward them the survey link. Did we say thanks a bunch of
times already? Thanks AGAIN!
Survey link: